Spring Musical 2025
- Audition Workshop: Tuesday, November 26th from 2:30 - 4:00 in the PAC
- Dance Auditions: Monday, December 2nd from 2:30 - 4:00 in the PAC
- Vocal Auditions: Monday, December 2nd or Tuesday, December 3rd in D3 Choose a time slot here.
- Callbacks: Wednesday, December 4th beginning at 2:30 in the PAC (by invitation only)
1. Every student is required to both dance and sing solo for their auditions.
2. Students will attend the dance auditions as one large group. From there, we will quickly review the combination from the Audition Workshop and will break students up into small groups to perform. This will be an open audition, meaning it will take place in front of one another.
3. Sign up in advance for a vocal audition time slot ahead of time. EVERYONE will sing "Under the Sea" for their vocal audition. Music and accompaniment tracks are available here.
4. If auditioning for a solo-singing role, please prepare an additional 32 measures of another Disney or musical theatre song. You must provide the accompaniment - absolutely NO a cappella auditions will be accepted.
Do not sing a second song from The Little Mermaid.
5. Callbacks will be posted on Google Classroom and outside of Room 214 the morning of Wednesday, December 4th. Callbacks will consist of performing sides from the play and possibly singing from the show.
1. Attend the Audition Workshop to have any questions answered and to learn the material in advance.
2. It is expected that you are familiar with the dance combination prior to attending auditions.
Videos and tutorials can be found here. **will be posted after Tuesday, 11/26**
3. Do a little research! Listen to the cast recording, familiarize yourself with the story and the characters.
4. Want to sing a second song? Make sure it fits in the style of the show and the character you are interested in playing. **PRO TIP: research other musicals written by the same composer to find a comparable song**
5. Not everyone who gets a callback will be cast. Additionally, if you don't get a callback, that doesn't necessarily mean you will not be a part of the show.
1. Every student is required to both dance and sing solo for their auditions.
2. Students will attend the dance auditions as one large group. From there, we will quickly review the combination from the Audition Workshop and will break students up into small groups to perform. This will be an open audition, meaning it will take place in front of one another.
3. Sign up in advance for a vocal audition time slot ahead of time. EVERYONE will sing "Under the Sea" for their vocal audition. Music and accompaniment tracks are available here.
4. If auditioning for a solo-singing role, please prepare an additional 32 measures of another Disney or musical theatre song. You must provide the accompaniment - absolutely NO a cappella auditions will be accepted.
Do not sing a second song from The Little Mermaid.
5. Callbacks will be posted on Google Classroom and outside of Room 214 the morning of Wednesday, December 4th. Callbacks will consist of performing sides from the play and possibly singing from the show.
1. Attend the Audition Workshop to have any questions answered and to learn the material in advance.
2. It is expected that you are familiar with the dance combination prior to attending auditions.
Videos and tutorials can be found here. **will be posted after Tuesday, 11/26**
3. Do a little research! Listen to the cast recording, familiarize yourself with the story and the characters.
4. Want to sing a second song? Make sure it fits in the style of the show and the character you are interested in playing. **PRO TIP: research other musicals written by the same composer to find a comparable song**
5. Not everyone who gets a callback will be cast. Additionally, if you don't get a callback, that doesn't necessarily mean you will not be a part of the show.
Callback Material:
All callback materials can be found in the Callback Folder on Google Drive.
**NOTE: It is possible that we may not need to see all eight sides at Callbacks.**
**NOTE: It is possible that we may not need to see all eight sides at Callbacks.**